MARTHA LUCIA A Christian Educational Resource


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Christian International Ministries
PO Box 9000
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459



IIn her latest work, "REDEMPTION, God's Magnificent Plan from the Foundation of the World, Volume One" Martha shares a concise andn in-depth study of God's Word relative to Christ's redemption of all things by His Blood"

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What do you know about DEBT STRUCTURE? Do you know that there is a greater application to the subject of a "debt structure"? Do you understand the authority you have been given to influence and change this structure?


God has given us a key of revelation to unlock not only the wealth of the world, but to release the world from the Debt Structure held in place by a web of forces in the demonic realm.


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In every war there are RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. To be victorious NOW, we must both understand and apply God's principles of engagement.  The purpose of this series on the Rules of Engagement is to train the saints in strategic spiritual warfare through effective intercession and prophetic declarations and demonstrations.


Volume 1 of this series covers the first two rules of engagement involving taking back souls, spiritual territory, and nations held by the enemies of God and prophetically declaring God's will concerning His enemies.


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In every war there are RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. To be victorious NOW, we must both understand and apply God's principles of engagement.  The purpose of this series on the Rules of Engagement is to train the saints in strategic spiritual warfare through effective intercession and prophetic declarations and demonstrations.


VOL 2: When we learn to exercise our spiritual weapons by speaking decrees, proclamations, and declarations, we will connect.


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The Watchman by Martha Lucia & Dana Millar - Paperback


The prophetic ministry in the Body of Christ has many aspects. One of these is the watchman. Ezekiel, the best Biblical example of a prophet watchman, spoke many words of warning which reflected woe, mourning's, and lamentations.


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THE SYSTEM OF THE BEAST is designed to give you a global perspective of the enemy's plan to deceive the nations of the earth.


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BE NOT DECEIVED is a tool that will help you recognize and avoid the various traps of deception that are rampant in the world today

BE NOT DECEIVED is a tool that will help you recognize and avoid the various traps of deception that are rampant in the world today

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The Church's greatest power lies in the GATE OF PRAYER. Using the progression of the Early Church in the Book of Acts, the authors lead you step by step into building blocks of truth which are opened to the believer through the Gate of Prayer.


Thoroughly based on Scripture, with exploration into word meanings in the original languages, this book is not another "how to" prayer guide. It is an invitation to ongoing participation in a deep and transforming lifestyle.


Even as Jacob wrestled with the angel of God until he received the blessing, you will be challenged to engage your faith in a greater way in order to receive the blessings of a higher prayer life.  Let the authors take you on an eloquent journey through the Gate of Prayer to the heart of God.

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